Friday, 7 March 2014


Hey everyone,

Happy International women's day to you & your mother, sister, wife and all the women who play an important role in your life.

Today is march 8 th celebrated as ''International women's day''. 
I am glad we arent the same as earlier anymore when it comes to giving equality to women, its not upto the mark but its better than before, and we only can hope that it gets better from now.

There a lot of women who influenced my life,

first being, my grandmother (ammama) she was everything to me. She practically raised my little sister and me, she fed, bathed, told us stories, played games with us, thought us prayers, helped us to prepare for school Annual day- Sports day- Ethnic day, cooked our favourite meal almost everyday ( one main reason for me being obsessed with food ) comforted me when I cried; when being bullied. So, basically she was the man of the house after my grandfather past away ( many many years ago ), She was a strong women, And I loved her to death.

My cousin sister, she was elder to me - she used to cook brilliantly ( my inspiration to cook ) when ever she had a day off from college/work she used to cook for all of us. Dark beautiful Indian women, danced like a peacock, gave me extra pocket money without telling my parents, I used to admire how she used organise her diary. She had beautiful big eyes.

Revamma madam,
She is my mother's lecturer when she was a student in an evening college, because my mom was supporting her own family by taking up a job in day time after my grandfather passed away. I must say my mother is receiving an award for successfully completing 35 years of service as a teacher in government school.
Congratulations ma
Revamma is a around 70 - 75 years, she has a great heart, as kids we used to visit her during holidays, she lives in a different town; Tumkur. I used to call her
She used to love it, she never had her own kids but had many children who called her amma. Sharp tongue, soft heart, great cook, She is one of those persons I can share my mind's thoughts without hesitation because I know she wouldn't judge me.  She once said,

For human, excretion of waste from body( shitting )  is important to live life, but we don't build bathroom as big as living room and live in it, Instead we build it in a small corner in the back of the house,
In the same way, money is also important in life but we shouldn't give it great importance, treating the necessity of shitting and money as the same. 
I am sure she says so because she has seen life, and been betrayed by people for money.  
But nowadays my parents don't come with us to visit her ( old age and busy schedule ) but My little sister & I take a train from Bangalore to Tumkur ( Rs 12 per head, unrelated but we;India has one the best railways in the world, more about it some other day ).
I Love her too .
Then for a long period this was it. 

And came few women who influenced me, like my teachers ( a lot of good teachers in my life ), old grandmothers in my neighbourhood,

Right now,
Avva ( grandmother in Telugu; my mother tongue )
She is a lady in my new neighbourhood, almost 80 years or more she doesn't remember her age. I see her everyday sun bathing on a small seat in front of her small house while I am leaving for the day;for college, I wave her bye, she waves back too, I ll tell her,
Avva, I ll come back in the evening, and talk to you, bye I am getting late for college ( I Am always late for college by 5 mins ) 
She is one strong women, although her health doesn't allow her to do any physically strenuous work , mentally very strong. I feel like apart from my little sister ( my best friend ), Avva is one person I talk to about, Diminishing level of humanity amongst people, greed for more; money, harming the environment and nature, people who backstab, and anything that I feel.

She agrees to the fact that people and times have changed and not for the good, we are going after technology but not protecting the nature, we are building bank balance not relationships, traveling the world and but don't know who lives next door ,her age is just a number, she is smart lady. Love her to death too just like my ammama.

Then I come back from college, I have this smile on my face, on her's too only if she hasn't had a bad day or an argument, she has a lot of argument with people; short tempered but as far as I have seen her arguments are valid.

Sometimes, If I am overwhelmed I hug her, she is so warm,wrinkled, grey hair, blue eyes.
I sit with her for few mins, sometimes 30 mins or more, sometimes we talk a lot otherwise just sit there gazing into the mid air.

She gives me little money to buy junk food to eat ( ha-ha ), most of the time I say I don't want anything, because she has too little means & I don't want to be a burden.

she is adorable,love her.

Its overwhelming to think about all these people whom I love, at once.

( This has became a long post, but I love this post )

Once again HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY to every lady out there, and specially to those who are reading my post.

OH !! and finally my little sister, she is not women in my eyes, just a baby ( 19 years ), she is wonderful. happy womens day to you sis. lots of love and blessing.

You can know a little bit more of everything i know in my next Post.
Until then, Take care.

Stay Healthy and Happy.
Till next time, Peace and Love.

1 comment:

  1. taught us prayers*
    Happy International Women's Day honey! x
